MD5 Hash

The MD5 Hash algorithm allows encoding a string of any length into a 128-bit fingerprint. Encoding the same string with the MD5 algorithm will always result in the same 128-bit hash output.


The example of this data manipulation can be seen in the table below:


String MD5 Hash
IConduct 89b154c3ece62cf1d50c6625f8b698f2


To configure the MD5 Hash step, follow the instructions below:


  1. In the Admin Navigation tree, select Interfaces > InterfaceName > Tasks > TaskName > Steps.
  2. On the toolbar, click New >New Manipulate Step.

Creating a New Manipulate Step

  1. Navigate to the Keys section and select MD5 Hash.

Keys Section

  1. In the MD5 Hash work area, fill in the following fields:

Common Fields

The following table describes these fields available for this step:


Fields Description


Provide a distinctive name for this step.

Is Active

Select the check box to engage the scheduler for this step.

Order of Execution

Enter the order in which this step should be executed.

Filter Expression

Optional. Use this filed to filter data from the source database prior to inserting it into the Schema table.

Sort Expression

Optional. Use this field to sort data from the source database prior to inserting it into the Schema table.

Stop interface execution if query failed

Optional. If enabled, the system will stop any data manipulation if the query returns an error.

Save Schema (enabled per interface)

If selected, the schema is created for this step.

Source Column

Specify the column that contains the source data you intend to decode.

Target Column

Specify the destination column where the result of the operation will be stored.


  1. Click the Save button.